The President of the National Council for Women, Maya Morsi, paid tribute and appreciation, on Sunday, to the Public Prosecution, which always seeks to ease the burden on citizens, especially Egyptian women, to achieve the stability of the Egyptian family, and the society as a whole.
Morsi said in a statement: “thank you, the Public Prosecution a prompt justice that contributes to the speedy resolution of disputes over the possession of marital and custodial homes,.
This helps the custodial woman’s access to all her rights without hardship or trouble, facilitating procedures for citizens, quickly processing them, and providing them with better services.
This was the purpose of the Public Prosecution’s decisions, which emphasizes the humanitarian aspect of the Public Prosecution Office and the family judiciary.”
She also added, “This is part of the Public Prosecution’s strategy for digital transformation. Procedures regarding the wife’s residence and the custodian’s residence.
The custodian can therefore apply to the family prosecution without the need for a report in the police department and the request can be promptly investigated and the decision of empowerment is issued and this procedure saves time instead of issuing the decision after months and it will take two or three days at most now.”
She added: “According to the decision of the Plublic Prosecutor, work with some books was canceled and replaced with electronic registeries to facilitate and shorten the procedures for the documentary session of family prosecutions across the country, in order to quickly resolve disputes over the possession of marital home and custody and to facilitate giving the custodian woman all of her rights without bearing hardship or trouble and the decision includes the procedures for receiving requests without requiring recourse to the police in advance and the necessary administrative directives to implement this decision.”