Controversial talk show host Tawfiq Okasha and former MP Mohamed Abou Hamed have been accused of responsibility for injuries sustained by a correspondent for the Rassd news website during the 24 August protests against the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Freedom and Justice Party’s legal affairs office in Alexandria submitted the charges to the public prosecution. FJP official Ahmed Osman said that reporter Ahmed Abdel el-Latif was hit by rubber bullets in his leg and also received a cut to his head, injuries Osama claims were inflicted by six protesters wielding knives and firearms outside a northern military zone in Alexandria.
Latif has also filed a police report regarding the incident, Osman said, adding that the prosecution is currently conducting an investigation into the charges.
Rassd is an internet media outlet that follows the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and its political arm, the FJP.
Abou Hamed and Okasha called for demonstrations on 24 August outside the presidential palace in Cairo and throughout Egypt’s governorates to demand the dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ouster of President Mohamed Morsy. The protests were small in number.
Since the protests, charges have been filed against Abou Hamed for blocking traffic outside the presidential palace. Okasha has been accused of calling for Morsy’s assassination. His trial would begin in September.