Middle East

Palestinian Authority welcomes ICJ decisions, saying it represents “international consensus”

From Hamdi Alkhshali and Kareem Khadder

The Presidency of the Palestinian Authority expressed strong support for the recent decisions by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which call on Israel to cease its aggression against Palestinians in Rafah.

The Palestinian Presidency urged the international community to ensure Israel’s compliance with the ICJ orders and to exert pressure on Israel to adhere to international legitimacy and law.

The statement criticized Israel’s perceived immunity from accountability, attributing it to what it calls unwavering support from the United States, “because the occupying state considers itself a state above international law and cannot be held accountable thanks to America’s blind and biased support in favor of the occupation.”

Furthermore, the presidency emphasized the need for Israel to halt its aggressive actions across Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem. It highlighted that the ICJ’s ruling aligns with previous international resolutions recognizing that Israel’s actions amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The presidency called for immediate international intervention to halt these actions.

The statement also conveyed appreciation for the countries supporting Palestinian rights, noting that the international consensus underscores Israel’s isolation alongside its supporters who grant it protection and impunity.

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