Egypt is set to witness the peak of the Lyrids Meteor Shower on Saturday.
The Lyrids Meteor Shower usually occurs annually between April 16 to 25, and reaches its peak on April 22 and 23.
These meteors come from the Lyra constellation which is the reason behind its name, according to professor of astronomy at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Ashraf Tadros.
The Harp meteors arise from the remnants of the Thatcher comet, which was discovered in 1861. It produces about 20 meteors per hour. The Harp meteors can be seen with the naked eye, provided that the sky is dark and free of clouds.
The best way to view the meteors is from a completely dark place away from the lighting of the city after midnight.
During the coming days, Egypt will witness some astronomical phenomena including the conjunction of the moon and Venus, which is the brightest planet of the solar system. Both will appear adjacent to the naked eye, towards the west immediately after sunset until approximately 9:40 pm.
Tadros said that planet Venus will rise gradually in the sky above the western horizon, day after day, during the month of April immediately after sunset.
Another conjunction is expected as well between the red planet Mars and the moon.
This conjunction can be seen with the naked eye immediately after sunset and at nightfall on that day, as the Mars and the moon will appear side by side in the sky until it begins to set at approximately 11:30 pm.