To celebrate the opening of the mummies and central exhibition hall at the the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, the Chairman of the “Kenouz Egypt Factory for Archaeological replicas” Hisham Shaarawy announced a 20 percent discount on all company products until May 5.
And the CEO of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization Ahmed Ghoneim announced that there would be a 50 percent reduction in the museum’s Arabic catalogue as well.
Saturday sees the long-awaited transfer of 22 royal mummies in a majestic procession from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
These mummies include King Ramses II, King Seknen Ra Taa, King Tuthmosis III, King Seti I, Queen Hatshepsut, Queen Meritamun, wife of King Amenhotep I, and Queen Ahmose Nefertari.