
PM: Timetable to Follow Up on al-Warraq Island File

Egyptian Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly said, on Sunday 9 June, 2024, a timetable is in place to follow up on the compensation, evacuation and development file of Cairo’s al-Warraq Island.

He underlined the importance of firmly addressing any building violation at the 1,295-feddan Nile Island.

The island is home to 90,000 people and has three schools, a public hospital, police station, tens of mosques and a church. No bridges connect it to the banks of the river, leaving the islanders to depend on five ferries for movement.

Madbouly gave the remarks during a meeting dedicated to following up progress rate of the new development community to be set up on the island in the presence of Housing Minister Assem al-Gazar, Giza Governor Ahmed Rashed and other top officials.

He renewed his instructions of paying immediate compensations to holders of lands, saying the government is determined to continue implement development plan of the island.

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