
Pro-Morsy march shifts from Heliopolis to Roxy Square

A march by supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsy has moved from al-Aziz Bellah Mosque in Heliopolis towards Roxy Square. The protesters denounced the security forces' "thuggery" and reiterated demands for the former leader's reinstatement.
A number of residents in the area attempted to clash with the march, playing songs supportive of the army and hoisting posters of Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The mosque's imam called upon protesters to remain peaceful and avoid political conflict.
The Pro-Morsy National Alliance to Support Legitimacy has called for fresh rallies condemning the removal of Morsy in July and urged citizens to partake in civil disobedience.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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