General Coordinator of the National Dialogue Diaa Rashwan said on Sunday that he held a plenary and fruitful meeting with the symbols of the political and media leaderships in Egypt to consult on the proceedings of the dialogue due to start Wednesday.
In statements, Rashwan said the participants briefed him on their vision on the dialogue and welcomed it to create a new open political atmosphere paving the way for a strong economy.
The participants affirmed that the steps of a transparent national dialogue start by tackling the file of the prisoners of freedom of speech and ending any measures targeting them in the future.
They stressed the importance of adopting a political track accommodating all legitimate political parties and enabling them to enjoy their political rights without restrictions.
In previous statements, Rashwan praised the participants’ collaboration and mutual confidence during the preparatory dialogue sessions.
Rashwan said that the formation decision established a legal precedent because it was given by the Board itself.
He added that its bylaws also required full agreement on recommendations before submitting them to the President directly.
Rashwan stated that when President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi established the National Dialogue, the first and foremost purpose was to launch dialogue.