The Egyptian government is considering operating large-capacity electric buses along the Ring Road to eliminate traffic jam in Greater Cairo, privately-owned newspaper Youm7 reported on Monday.
The newspaper reported official sources in the transport sector as saying that the internal and international land transport regulatory authority, which President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ratified a few days ago, will supervise the implementation and operation of these buses.
According to the sources, studies for the project include allocation of a separate lane in the Ring Road for electric buses to travel at great speeds, enabling it to achieve traffic liquidity within Greater Cairo.
These buses will have fixed stations along the Ring Road, and coordination is already underway with the governorates of Cairo, Giza, and Qalyubiya to implement this project.
The internal and international land transport regulatory authority, headed by the Transport Minister and joining representatives of the governorates of Cairo, Giza, Qalyubiya and the Interior Ministry and will supervise the implementation of the project and its operation, according to the sources.
Egypt has received offers from German and Swedish companies to manufacture and supply these buses, as the government is also considering the operation of similar buses in new cities to deal with and prevent traffic congestion, in addition that the cost of operation is lower compared to regular buses and they are environmentally friendly.
The sources pointed out that the prices of tickets for these buses will not be subsidized by the government, pointing out that the electric buses will link with the network of the Greater Cairo Subway Station in Adly Mansour station in the third line being established in the Salam area.
The project is still in the study stage, the sources said, and there is no set mechanism for implementation or funding for the project’s cost.