October is upon us, and that means so is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
According to research conducted by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among female cancer patients. With its high prevalence in Egypt, breast cancer has affected thousands of Egyptian families, not to mention proving to be a significant economic burden on the government and patients' families alike.
This year, Rotary Clubs all over Egypt, headed by district governor Mayan Raslan with the support of head of disease preventive committee Dr. Maged Zekry, are hosting interactive community awareness events on breast cancer and how to diagnose it early on. The events focus on dispelling the myths surrounding breast cancer, as well as offering access to simple on-site tests to catch its early.
In Cairo this month, the Rotary Club Cairo Royal, headed by radiologist Hanan Gewefel, will be hosting an interactive open day with activities to help raise awareness of breast cancer. The event will be held at Gezira Sporting Club, in Zamalek on Friday the October 14, with a focus on prevention and early diagnosis.
The day’s activities will run from 7 am to 9 pm, starting will be a marathon for members of the Gezira Club, in cooperation with Al-Haram Runners, followed by a ceremony to honor the winners.
Attention will then turn to lectures from health experts in the Gezira Club lecture hall from 11 am to 1 pm, after which there will be various interactive and entertainment activities until 9pm.
Rotary Club Cairo Royal is aiming to educate all Egyptian women on how to better deal with breast cancer and its risks, through learning about the condition and challenging certain misconceptions. By keeping women informed, the club aims to help women take a more a proactive stance towards the disease.
The Rotary Club is hoping for a big turnout for its events in October, saying that greater participation will help them work toward their vision of a future without breast cancer.