
Ruling party vows to keep on battling Muslim Brotherhood

The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) posted an article on its official website yesterday asserting that its struggle with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) opposition movement was "not over" despite the conclusion of recently-held parliamentary elections.

According to website Chief Editor Youssef Werdany, who authored the article, the MB is an "illegal organization," which constitutes "the greatest threat to Egypt’s future."

He also claimed that the NDP had "fought hard" against the MB in the parliamentary polls on behalf of all secular political forces, asserting that the group "stands against the enlightenment and development of Egyptian society."

The NDP's first major blow against the MB, said Werdany, was a 2007 amendment of the national constitution, which added a clause stating that Egypt was "a democratic country established on the principles of citizenship."

The second blow, added Werdany, was the amendment of Article V of the national charter, which banned religious parties and political activity based on religion.

Werdany went on to accuse the group of discriminating against both Copts and women and of entertaining foreign allegiances.

In reply to the article, former brotherhood MP Sobhi Saleh said: “The ruling party is waging war against all of Egypt.”

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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