Hamdeen Sabbahi, founder of the Popular Current, said student union and syndicate elections have led to a “terrible downfall for the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Participating in a Tunis march on Tuesday, Sabbahi said the situation in Egypt and Tunisia is quite similar because each have factions that have “kidnapped the revolution and used it to seek their own interests and candidates as president.”
He also said investigations targeting activists are a form of “terrorism.”
In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Popular Current said Sabbahi was in Tunisia to condemn globalization and Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, coinciding with the inauguration of the World Social Forum, which is hosting numerous political parties, public figures and rights organizations to discuss social justice in the capital.
Sabbahi said organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood are paving the way for the establishment of dictatorships like those brought down during the Arab Spring.
“Faith in our religion, our patriotism and revolution motivate us to complete our revolution until we achieve the goals of providing bread, freedom and social justice,” he said.
He added that the Egyptian revolution is not finished, accusing the government of “securing American interests and Israeli security.”
Sabbahi claimed the Brotherhood would fall, just as it has in recent student union and syndicates elections, should the next round of elections be free and fair.
He also said street protests and fair elections will help bring about the revolution's goals, claiming pro-revolutions groups were innocent of inciting violence.