Dalia Sadany, also known as “the International Ambassador of Design”, received the Golden Award in the International “A’ Design Award & Competition” in Italy for her latest project, a museum at the Greek Campus at the American University in Cairo, according to a press release by Sadany.
The museum illustrates a prodigious discovery made by the international designer following a long period of investigation exploring the new mysteries of the pharaohs. The discovery demonstrates that the pharaohs pioneered the idea of knowledge security in addition to a number of other scientific concepts known today in the fields of information and its protection, commonly called IT security.
A’ Design Award & Competition is one of the world’s most prestigious annual juried design competitions assessing the world’s best designers, architects, and design-oriented companies worldwide. A large number of designers from around the world–almost 13,000–compete in more than 105 design fields, reads the press release.
Sadany’s name is iconic in the international architectural design community. Sadany’s consistent goal behind her decorative and architectural work is to illuminate the Egyptian civilization.
Dalia expressed her pleasure and pride in receiving this award for her museum, through which she shows that modern sciences have their roots in Pharaonic civilizations.
“This museum was not easy to proceed with, but it served as a challenge and incentive for every Egyptian to know more about his or her history. I did a lot of research and studies, which we documented in Arabic and English. I was assisted by a number of Egyptologists and IT experts who helped me to build a full comparison and study of the origin of information security in Egypt,” the award-winning designer noted.
Sadany pointed out that the Pharaohs initially signified the importance of information security, finding several means to protect knowledge. She underscored the similarities between their findings and today’s concepts of Firewall, Deep Web, Password, Anti-Virus, Maze, and Honey Pot, among other applications.
The museum exhibits numerous murals portraying the Pharaohs’ beliefs about knowledge. It was believed in Pharaonic civilizations, Sadany’s exhibition indicates, that education and knowledge were divine. The displayed engravings included phrases such as, “Do not magnify your heart about your knowledge; do not fill your heart because you are a scientist”, “Discuss with the lout like the acquaintance”, “No one has reached the end of knowledge by his knowledge”, “Hiding the beautiful speech behind the stone”, and “So you find him about the girls who are on the quern”, according to the press release.
Sadany said that she used CNC carvings on steel, and used an Egyptian grey marble unlike the sandy colored stones known in ancient Egypt. She voiced her refusal to use stones in the museum that mimic the already existing temples.
Sadany presents in the museum numerous quotes from pharaonic books, including those allegedly proclaimed by the god Horus. The museum also features scarabs and symbols belonging to other gods.
Sadany added: “It was my pleasure to discover that our ancestors were the pioneers of information security systems and the ways to save them. We must always imagine all that the ancient Egyptians did to protect their science from thieves. Today, companies protect information from virtual hackers on the internet,” Sadany stated, noting that the technologies distributed throughout the world have their roots in ancient Egypt.