MP Hassan al-Brince, a member of the parliamentary Health Committee responsible for deciding if former President Hosni Mubarak should be transferred to prison, has said he received anonymous death threats.
Brince is the second MP to receive such threats. Akram Al-Shaer, head of the committee, received death threats last week from alleged Mubarak loyalists.
After his arrest last April, Mubarak was held first at a hospital in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh and then at a luxurious military hospital outside Cairo.
This month, the Ministry of Interior said Mubarak will be moved to Tora Prison hospital as soon as the facility is upgraded to house the 83-year-old.
"These threats have made us more determined than before to complete the steps necessary for having him [Mubarak] transferred to the hospital prison," Brince said, according to the privately owned Youm7 website.
He added that he received an SMS message saying “your life will end very soon."