The Egyptian Official Gazette published the decision of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to issue a law regulating the possession of dangerous animals.
The provisions of the law do not apply to the ministries of Defense and Interior and their affiliated bodies.
The law aims to regulate the possession of dangerous animals and to address incidents in which citizens were subjected to attacks by dogs.
The prohibits the possession of dangerous dogs and animals as a general asset.
It also regulates the possession of non-dangerous dogs and finds appropriate solutions for dealing with abandoned and stray animals.
As well as setting a framework for their protection and care in terms of health and nutrition in order to achieve the preservation of public health and the safety of citizens and in accordance with the standards and recommendations of the World Organization for Animal Health and other specialized international organizations.
Savage attacks
A relative of Mohamed Moheb al-Mawy, the bank manager who was bitten by a pitbull dog in Sheikh Zayed City announced his death in April.
Investigations have been ongoing over the incident where a bank official was bitten inside a famous compound in Sheikh Zayed by a dog.
On February 17, authorities received a complaint from the victim’s wife, reporting on his transfer to the hospital.
Prosecutors initiated an investigation into the incident, and listened to the statements of the victim’s family, as well as the testimonies of victim’s neighbors, and three employees of the residential complex in which the incident occurred.
According to investigations, the victim was returning home with his son, when he saw the accused’s dog in the balcony, neither gagged nor tied, so he immediately went to the accused’s place of residence to ask him to muzzle the dog and restrain it so that no one would panic.
When the housemaid opened the door for them, the dog brutally attacked the victim.
After a dog attack led to the death of Moheb al-Mawy, the House of Representatives began discussing a draft law regarding regulating the possession of dangerous animals, particularly dogs.
A fine of not less than LE10,000 and not more than LE500,000 shall be imposed on whoever incites their pet to jump over a passer-by, track passer-by down, or does not hold the dog back from them, even if no harm results from that.