St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria will hold an open funeral tonight for people to offer their condolences and grieve for the martyrs killed in the bombing of the cathedral on Palm Sunday, said Hegomen Rowais Morcos, churchwarden and spokesman for the cathedral
In a statement to al-Masry al-Youm, Morcos said the cathedral welcomes all security officials and leaders in the province, headed by Governor of Alexandria Mohamed Sultan and Major General Mostafa Al-Nimr, head of the Security Directorate, as well as popular, executive and religious leaderships.
A sign has been put up on the front door of the funeral hall, detailing some restrictions, such as prohibiting the use of cameras and mobile phones and not allowing TV crews to enter, Morcos said. Mobile phones may be used outside the funeral hall.
A suicide bomber attacked St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria where Pope Tawadros II was leading the Palm Sunday Mass, killing 18 people. The Islamic State terrorist organization has declared responsibility for the attack.