Egyptian-born actor Mena Massoud is awaiting the screening of his new movie, The Royal Treatment, on January 20th, on one of the major digital platforms.
Massoud said that he is very excited that his new movie.
The Royal Treatment, will be available for Arab and Egyptian viewing this January.
He stressed that his interest in havingĀ audiences around the world see an actor of Arab-Egyptian origins participating in international films and series, and that art can accommodate everyone was a great step forward.
The film is one new step towards a more diverse industry.
The Royal Treatment is a romantic drama film directed by Rick Jacobson and starring Mena Massoud and Laura Marano.
The story of The Royal Treatment revolves around Isabella and Prince Thomas, where Isabella runs her own salon and is not afraid to speak her mind, while Prince Thomas runs his country and is about to marry out of duty instead of love, until he meets Isabella and his concept changes about marriage out of duty and decides to take another path towards happiness.