
Collision between truck trailer and microbus injures 10 people in Hurghada

Collision between truck trailer and microbus injures 10 people in Hurghada

Ten people were injured on Monday when a truck trailer collided with a microbus at the Magawish – Hurghada Road…
Gas leak fire kills mother, two daughters in Upper Egypt

Gas leak fire kills mother, two daughters in Upper Egypt

A woman and her two young daughters died while another daughter was injured on Wednesday as a result of wounds…
Dozens of migrants drown off Tunisia coast after leaving Libya
Middle East

Dozens of migrants drown off Tunisia coast after leaving Libya

TUNIS (Reuters) – At least 65 migrants drowned on Friday when their boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off the…
Suez lorry collision kills three people and injures four

Suez lorry collision kills three people and injures four

Three people were killed and another four injured on Monday after two lorry cars collided on Suez’s Ain Sokhna road…
Child dies after falling down water pipe in Minya

Child dies after falling down water pipe in Minya

Karim, a five year old child from Masied Village in al-Adwa city, died on Sunday after accidentally falling down a…
China to close industrial park where deadly blast killed 78

China to close industrial park where deadly blast killed 78

The Chinese chemical industry park where an explosion last month killed 78 people and left hundreds injured will be closed,…
Boeing cuts 737 production rate by 10 planes per month

Boeing cuts 737 production rate by 10 planes per month

Boeing announced Friday it would cut the production schedule of its 737 aircraft line following the two recent crashes that…
Police save 11 Chinese tourists stuck in sand at Fayoum

Police save 11 Chinese tourists stuck in sand at Fayoum

Egyptian security services on Saturday rescued 11 Chinese tourists who had lost their route during a safari trip in the…
Kuwait mosque collapse kills 3 Egyptian workers, injures 2

Kuwait mosque collapse kills 3 Egyptian workers, injures 2

Three Egyptian workers are dead and another two injured on Tuesday after the roof of a mosque under construction collapsed…
Advisor to Yemeni defense minister dead in Giza lorry collision

Advisor to Yemeni defense minister dead in Giza lorry collision

Advisor to the Yemeni Minister of Defense Abdel Qader al-Aamodi has died after being hit by a lorry in Giza’s…
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