anti-SCAF protests

Large quantities of tear gas destructive to environment

Large quantities of tear gas destructive to environment

Since Saturday morning, when violent clashes first erupted in Tahrir Square, large quantities of tear gas have been used against…
245 Egyptian diplomats urge handover of power to civilian govt

245 Egyptian diplomats urge handover of power to civilian govt

Egyptian diplomats on Tuesday signed a statement urging the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to pledge to…
Sources: Ruling council discusses new govt in meeting with political powers

Sources: Ruling council discusses new govt in meeting with political powers

The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) invited several political powers to an urgent meeting on Tuesday to…
Clashes at Tahrir solidarity protest in Ismailia leave 1 dead

Clashes at Tahrir solidarity protest in Ismailia leave 1 dead

A protester was shot and killed Monday during protests in Ismailia, a medical source at the city's public hospital has…
Apolitical Egyptians align with anti-military protests as numbers grow in Tahrir
Life & Style

Apolitical Egyptians align with anti-military protests as numbers grow in Tahrir

As the violent clashes that started Saturday morning in Tahrir Square continue into their fourth day, many previously apolitical Egyptians…
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