Bosnia and Herzegovina

First Air Cairo direct flight between Banja Luka and Hurghada

First Air Cairo direct flight between Banja Luka and Hurghada

Air Cairo launched its first direct flight from Banja Luka airport, the capital of the Republika Srpska, Bosnian Serb entity,…
Balkans fear Brexit will delay EU dream

Balkans fear Brexit will delay EU dream

Balkan countries hoping to join the European Union fear their journey to membership of a club they see as offering…
Drive for EU membership could help pull a fractured Bosnia together

Drive for EU membership could help pull a fractured Bosnia together

Bosnian membership in the European Union might not seem a realistic, or even desirable, goal, but boosters of the idea…
Presidential adviser: Egypt to recognize Kosovo

Presidential adviser: Egypt to recognize Kosovo

Egypt will soon recognize Kosovo during a visit to the country, Pakinam al-Sharqawy, presidential political adviser, said Sunday. Sharqawy said…
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