Donald Trump

US government shuts down for second time this year after spending bill vote is held up

US government shuts down for second time this year after spending bill vote is held up

The US government has shut down once again after the Senate failed to pass a stop-gap spending measure. The Senate…
George W. Bush says Russia meddled in 2016 US election

George W. Bush says Russia meddled in 2016 US election

Former President George W. Bush said on Thursday that “there’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the 2016…
Trump meets with Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales

Trump meets with Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales

President Donald Trump has met with the president of Guatemala. Trump greeted President Jimmy Morales at the Washington Hilton hotel…
Ally or rival? Macron to visit Trump on US visit late April

Ally or rival? Macron to visit Trump on US visit late April

President Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron will get another chance to test their tough handshakes and argue over climate change…
Pence says US to announce new, tough sanctions on North Korea

Pence says US to announce new, tough sanctions on North Korea

US Vice President Mike Pence said on Wednesday that Washington would soon announce new, tough sanctions to persuade North Korea…
Trump taking tougher stance on Russia nuclear threat

Trump taking tougher stance on Russia nuclear threat

The Trump administration on Friday announced it will continue much of the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons policy, but take a…
FBI in public fight with Trump over releasing Russia memo

FBI in public fight with Trump over releasing Russia memo

In a remarkably public clash of wills with the White House, the FBI declared Wednesday it has “grave concerns” about…
US designates Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh an international terrorist
Middle East

US designates Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh an international terrorist

The US has accused Ismail Haniyeh of involvement in Hamas militants’ attacks on Israelis and Americans. The group countered that…
Syria’s Kurds push US to stop Turkish assault on key enclave
Middle East

Syria’s Kurds push US to stop Turkish assault on key enclave

Syria’s Kurdish militia is growing frustrated with its patron, the United States, and is pressing it to do more to…
State of the Union: Donald Trump calls for nuclear arsenal renewal

State of the Union: Donald Trump calls for nuclear arsenal renewal

In his first State of the Union address, US President Donald Trump outlined his immigration reform plan, declared a victory…
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