Egypt-Hamas relations

Hamas hails Haniyeh-Morsy meet

Hamas hails Haniyeh-Morsy meet

Hamas on Friday hailed the meeting between its leader in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, and Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed…
Hamas: Egypt delegation to visit Gaza, West Bank to discuss reconciliation

Hamas: Egypt delegation to visit Gaza, West Bank to discuss reconciliation

Egypt intends to send two delegations to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to discuss Palestinian reconciliation, Hamas political…
Gaza PM praises Hamas leader’s meeting with Morsy

Gaza PM praises Hamas leader’s meeting with Morsy

Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh praised Egypt's role in serving the Palestinian cause and said that Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy’s…
Morsy meets Palestinian leaders at presidential palace

Morsy meets Palestinian leaders at presidential palace

President Mohamed Morsy received Hamas political bureau head Khaled Meshaal at the presidential palace in Heliopolis Thursday. Morsy and Meshaal…
Morsy to meet with Haniyeh in August, Maan says

Morsy to meet with Haniyeh in August, Maan says

Hamas is in touch with the Egyptian presidential office to set up a meeting between Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy and…
Hamas FM denies accusing Egypt of imposing fuel supply conditions

Hamas FM denies accusing Egypt of imposing fuel supply conditions

Mohamed Awad, the Hamas foreign minister in Gaza, has denied that he accused Egypt of preventing the passage of a…
Khaled Meshaal leaves Cairo to Doha

Khaled Meshaal leaves Cairo to Doha

Hamas head Khaled Meshaal left Cairo for Qatar accompanied by a delegation from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday. In meetings…
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