
In other words: Translation as alchemy at the Crucible

In other words: Translation as alchemy at the Crucible

Many might receive "Albawtaka Review’s" quarterly newsletter in their inbox, but few know the story behind the literary journal and…
An enchanting world of tales in ‘A Kingdom of Apple Juice’

An enchanting world of tales in ‘A Kingdom of Apple Juice’

A few centuries back, before the spread of writing, an Egyptian narrator would gather people of all ages around him…
Dreams of city turn into nightmare in ‘A Scene from Cairo’s night’

Dreams of city turn into nightmare in ‘A Scene from Cairo’s night’

Social alienation seems to be the keynote of Mostafa Zaki’s selection of short stories, "Mashhad Min Layl al-Qahira” (A Scene…
‘So You May See’: A different sort of freedom

‘So You May See’: A different sort of freedom

It is impossible not to admire Mona Prince's 2008 novel, “Inni Uhaddithuka li-Tara,” (I Speak to You so that You…
Twilight : Of vampires, college and teen werewolves

Twilight : Of vampires, college and teen werewolves

In August of 2008, I was assigned to cover a midday book release party at a chain bookstore in Manhattan.…
Drumbeat: Tales from the Gulf’s back end

Drumbeat: Tales from the Gulf’s back end

There are over a quarter of a million Egyptian immigrants working in the United Arab Emirates today--or rather, that is…
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