
When you’re more likely to catch flu
Health & Fitness

When you’re more likely to catch flu

Cases of flu are on the rise, according to a recent statement from the United States Centers for Disease Control…
A natural DIY remedy for coughs
Health & Fitness

A natural DIY remedy for coughs

As the weather changes, flu spreads among children as well as the adults. It spreads even more when students return…
Sick in winter but healthy in summer? Blame your genes
Health & Fitness

Sick in winter but healthy in summer? Blame your genes

Nearly a quarter of our genes change how active they are according to the season, which may explain why people…
Meditation, exercise may cut sick days from colds
Health & Fitness

Meditation, exercise may cut sick days from colds

 Meditating or exercising could drastically cut the number of days people feel sick and miss work due to respiratory illnesses…
When to exercise in the cold and flu season?
Health & Fitness

When to exercise in the cold and flu season?

Sniffles, runny noses and flu-like symptoms can deter, delay and even derail many exercisers just when enthusiasm for that New…
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