Freedom and Justice Party

Cairo’s Freedom and Justice Party MPs refuse to meet Ganzouri

Cairo’s Freedom and Justice Party MPs refuse to meet Ganzouri

Freedom and Justice Party MPs in the Cairo Governorate have refused to participate in a meeting to be attended by…
Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide defends decision to field candidate

Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide defends decision to field candidate

Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Badie on Saturday defended the group’s nomination of Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat al-Shater…
Parliament review: Who will write the constitution?

Parliament review: Who will write the constitution?

Parliament trundled along on Thursday, after a dramatic week of partisan squabbling over the constitution and who should write it.…
Rights organization launches campaign to include basic freedoms in constitution

Rights organization launches campaign to include basic freedoms in constitution

The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights launched on Wednesday a campaign dubbed "The Independent Committee for Drafting Egypt's Coming Constitution"…
Nubians accuse Brotherhood of excluding them from constituent assembly

Nubians accuse Brotherhood of excluding them from constituent assembly

Nubian leaders in Aswan accused the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party of excluding them from the constituent assembly during…
FJP swaps 10 constituent assembly members with liberals amid outcry

FJP swaps 10 constituent assembly members with liberals amid outcry

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) withdrew 10 of its members from the constituent assembly and replaced them…
Military leaders ‘mystified’ by conflict with Brotherhood

Military leaders ‘mystified’ by conflict with Brotherhood

The official Facebook page of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on Thursday described recent tension between the…
FJP continues push to oust Ganzouri cabinet

FJP continues push to oust Ganzouri cabinet

The Freedom and Justice Party launched another sharp attack on Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri’s cabinet, demanding its resignation or for…
SCAF entices Brotherhood not to run presidential candidate

SCAF entices Brotherhood not to run presidential candidate

Egypt’s military leaders have offered to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to form a new cabinet if the group refrains from…
Katatny elected to chair constituent assembly

Katatny elected to chair constituent assembly

People’s Assembly Speaker Saad al-Katatny has been elected chairman of the assembly that will draft the country’s new constitution, assembly…
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