Freedom and Justice Party

Brotherhood discusses forming a coalition government

Brotherhood discusses forming a coalition government

The Muslim Brotherhood's Guidance Bureau held a meeting Saturday to discuss the possibility of forming a coalition government led by…
Social democratic party endorses FJP-led national salvation cabinet

Social democratic party endorses FJP-led national salvation cabinet

The Egyptian Social Democratic Party, a founding member of the Egyptian Bloc electoral list, welcomes the Freedom and Justice Party's…
Besiege the new Parliament, with demands

Besiege the new Parliament, with demands

The People's Assembly's performance has thus far been frustrating to revolutionaries. Even those who had been calling for power to…
Brotherhood sends mixed signals about appointing new cabinet

Brotherhood sends mixed signals about appointing new cabinet

A lawmaker representing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) said on Thursday that his party had not decided…
Parliamentary subcommittees wield limited powers

Parliamentary subcommittees wield limited powers

Attempting to manage the fallout of the Port Said football violence, the People’s Assembly national security and defense committee developed…
Ready to form new government, Brotherhood rejects Ganzouri cabinet

Ready to form new government, Brotherhood rejects Ganzouri cabinet

The Muslim Brotherhood is ready to form a coalition government and rejects the current government headed by Prime Minister Kamal…
The Brothers: Between the revolutionaries and the junta

The Brothers: Between the revolutionaries and the junta

Amid the ongoing political turmoil, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to walk a fine line between proving its commitment to the…
Tuesday’s papers: Presidential nomination process to accelerate

Tuesday’s papers: Presidential nomination process to accelerate

The news of the government accelerating presidential elections gets the most coverage in Egypt's papers Tuesday. The state-owned paper Al-Ahram…
FJP pledges adherence to the SCAF’s timeline for power transfer

FJP pledges adherence to the SCAF’s timeline for power transfer

Mohamed Morsy, president of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), has rejected calls for expediting presidential elections and…
Brotherhood urges SCAF to protect Parliament

Brotherhood urges SCAF to protect Parliament

The Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday toughened its stance toward protesters. The group issued a statement calling on the Supreme Council…
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