Freedom and Justice Party

Monday’s papers: A wave of protests in the lead-up to 25 January

Monday’s papers: A wave of protests in the lead-up to 25 January

Today's newspapers highlight the military council's announcement that the presidential candidate nominations will start in April for the elections planned…
Brotherhood sources say one of its leaders to become parliament speaker

Brotherhood sources say one of its leaders to become parliament speaker

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, is putting the final touches on an…
We won’t be another NDP, say Muslim Brothers

We won’t be another NDP, say Muslim Brothers

Mohamed Gheith, MP for the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, on Sunday said his party would not act like…
Brotherhood secretary’s remarks on women spark controversy

Brotherhood secretary’s remarks on women spark controversy

A prominent Muslim Brotherhood activist's remarks, in which she slammed the December women's march condemning military brutality against female protestors,…
Sunday’s papers: ElBaradei bows out, parliament steps in

Sunday’s papers: ElBaradei bows out, parliament steps in

Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Nobel laureate, announced yesterday that he will not be…
Freedom and Justice Party rejects early power transfer

Freedom and Justice Party rejects early power transfer

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) does not support calls for accelerating the transfer of power to a civilian government and…
Leading female figure in Muslim Brotherhood slams December’s women march

Leading female figure in Muslim Brotherhood slams December’s women march

A leading female figure in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has accused the women’s march to condemn military…
Egypt’s radical Salafis approach secular rivals

Egypt’s radical Salafis approach secular rivals

Egypt's ultraconservative Islamist party has reached out to rival secular and liberal political factions in an unusual, behind-the-scenes attempt to…
Wafd Party mulls return to Muslim Brotherhood coalition

Wafd Party mulls return to Muslim Brotherhood coalition

The liberal Wafd Party and the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) have agreed that the principles of the Democratic Alliance…
Islamists will control two thirds of the parliament

Islamists will control two thirds of the parliament

The Muslim Brotherhood will control close to half the seats in the first Egyptian parliament elected since an uprising swept…
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