Freedom and Justice Party

Betraying the revolution?

Betraying the revolution?

“Egypt will have free elections one day — I will vote in those, but not these!” declared a long-time labor…
Muslim Brotherhood cautiously celebrates

Muslim Brotherhood cautiously celebrates

In the parliamentary elections that took place at this time one year ago, the Muslim Brotherhood was referred to as…
Brotherhood’s quandary

Brotherhood’s quandary

Many have laid blame on the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) for failing to join the protesters in Tahrir Square following the…
Redeeming popularity: SCAF prides itself for successful election

Redeeming popularity: SCAF prides itself for successful election

  Egypt’s first post-Hosni Mubarak parliamentary race kicked off this week amid jubilation over the high turnout and the relative…
State TV: Election results will be announced at 8 pm

State TV: Election results will be announced at 8 pm

Results of the first round of parliamentary elections will be announced at 8 pm Friday night, Egyptian state TV reported…
Freedom and Justice Party rescinds statement about right to form govt

Freedom and Justice Party rescinds statement about right to form govt

The Freedom and Justice  Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, has rescinded its demand on Wednesday to form…
Politicians not surprised by Islamists’ electoral success

Politicians not surprised by Islamists’ electoral success

Preliminary voting results showing Islamist candidates leading the first round of parliamentary elections are no surprise, a number of politicians…
Brotherhood demands first dibs at forming new government

Brotherhood demands first dibs at forming new government

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party demanded the right to form the new national salvation government following early indicators…
Official election results to be announced Thursday

Official election results to be announced Thursday

Abdel Moez Ibrahim, the head of the high elections committee (HEC), is to hold a press conference on Thursday afternoon…
Freedom and Justice Party leads polls as vote tally continues

Freedom and Justice Party leads polls as vote tally continues

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) is leading parliamentary polls across Egypt, according to early estimates Wednesday. Egyptians cast their…
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