Freedom and Justice Party

Brotherhood’s party warns military of staying in power

Brotherhood’s party warns military of staying in power

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party has warned the military council of remaining in power until a new constitution…
Parliamentary election battles start early

Parliamentary election battles start early

Battles for the upcoming parliamentary elections have started early among various political parties.
Brotherhood’s party to compete for over 40% of parliamentary seats

Brotherhood’s party to compete for over 40% of parliamentary seats

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party has submitted its parliamentary candidacy list to the elections committee of the Democratic…
Brotherhood party to announce its vision of ‘Second Republic’

Brotherhood party to announce its vision of ‘Second Republic’

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party platform for parliamentary elections has been completed following deliberations by eight workshops.
Monday’s papers: The king is dead. Long live the king

Monday’s papers: The king is dead. Long live the king

It’s nearly eight months now since a popular uprising toppled former President Hosni Mubarak, but Monday’s newspapers show that some…
Political parties divided after some sign document in support of military council

Political parties divided after some sign document in support of military council

Political parties and movements across the spectrum are deeply divided over the meeting on Saturday that gathered Armed Forces Chief…
US met with Egyptian Islamists, says US diplomat

US met with Egyptian Islamists, says US diplomat

US officials met with members of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party, a US diplomat said, after Washington announced it would…
On verge of collapse, Wafd-Brotherhood alliance remains unclear

On verge of collapse, Wafd-Brotherhood alliance remains unclear

Representatives of the liberal Wafd Party and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, the two biggest players in the…
Freedom and Justice Party: We never agreed on supra-constitutional principles

Freedom and Justice Party: We never agreed on supra-constitutional principles

The meeting on Saturday between Sami Anan, chief of staff of the armed forces, and party chiefs closed the door…
US diplomat: US met with Egypt Islamists

US diplomat: US met with Egypt Islamists

US officials met members of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party, a US diplomat said, after Washington announced it would have…
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