
Jordan rationing electricity after Egypt blast

Jordan rationing electricity after Egypt blast

Amman—Jordan says it is rationing its use of electricity after the explosion of a gas pipeline from Egypt. On Wednesday,…
Jordan expects gas export agreement with Egypt by end of month

Jordan expects gas export agreement with Egypt by end of month

Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Khaled Toukan anticipates Jordan and Egypt will reach a new agreement on gas…
Jordanian delights
Life & Style

Jordanian delights

Many travelers to Jordan believe there is little to do in Amman. For one thing, most of Jordan’s travel destinations,…
Egypt to review Israel, Jordan gas deals

Egypt to review Israel, Jordan gas deals

Egypt will review contracts under which it supplies natural gas to Israel and Jordan, which could boost its income from…
Authorities deny Arab transsexuals access to Egypt

Authorities deny Arab transsexuals access to Egypt

Cairo airport authorities denied two Arab post-operative transgender passengers access to Egypt on Sunday.Eyewitnesses said a state of confusion prevailed…
Judicial sources: Spy suspect admits sending Israel information

Judicial sources: Spy suspect admits sending Israel information

Judicial sources said on Thursday that the man suspected of spying for Israel has admitted that he sent Mossad important…
Protests in Jordan garner some reforms, look for more gains

Protests in Jordan garner some reforms, look for more gains

Amman--Amid the region’s revolutionary fervor, Jordanian dissent rose, with the opposition making political and economic demands and a monarchy attempting…
Jordan’s politicians demand limit to king’s powers

Jordan’s politicians demand limit to king’s powers

Amman-Jordan's King Abdullah faces unprecedented calls by a mix of Islamists, liberals and traditional supporters for moves toward a constitutional…
Protests sweep Arab countries

Protests sweep Arab countries

Several Arab countries witnessed massive protests on Friday calling for democratic reforms, an end to corruption, the release of political…
Jordanian king ‘tunes in’ to popular grievances

Jordanian king ‘tunes in’ to popular grievances

Jordanian King Abdullah II has consulted representatives of different political views in Jordan, hoping "to come closer to the demands…
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