
Stranded Lebanese desperate to rebuild after blast
Middle East

Stranded Lebanese desperate to rebuild after blast

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Sitting amid the debris, Lebanese on Wednesday expressed their frustration at the state for abandoning them in…
Top German diplomat: Lebanon needs ‘reboot’ to regain trust
Middle East

Top German diplomat: Lebanon needs ‘reboot’ to regain trust

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon needs a “strong reboot” and far-reaching economic reforms to rebuild trust with its citizens, Germany’s foreign…
Egypt dispatches 4th military airplane loaded with aid to Lebanon

Egypt dispatches 4th military airplane loaded with aid to Lebanon

Egypt on Wednesday dispatched a fourth military airplane loaded with humanitarian aid to Lebanon, in accordance with Egyptian President Abdel…
After multiple crises, this time Lebanese feel broken
Middle East

After multiple crises, this time Lebanese feel broken

BEIRUT (AP) — For nearly a week, Mona Zahran had to sleep on a couch pulled across her apartment’s front…
Children in Beirut suffer from trauma after deadly blast
Middle East

Children in Beirut suffer from trauma after deadly blast

BEIRUT (AP) — When the huge explosion ripped through Beirut last week, it shattered the glass doors near where three-year-old…
A week after blast, Beirut pauses to remember the dead
Middle East

A week after blast, Beirut pauses to remember the dead

BEIRUT (AP) — The shattered city of Beirut on Tuesday marked a week since the catastrophic explosion that killed at…
Amid crises and explosions, Egypt’s development projects charge ahead

Amid crises and explosions, Egypt’s development projects charge ahead

Months ago, I wrote about how development in Egypt continues apace, even while coronavirus pandemic affects the country and the…
Who owned the chemicals that blew up Beirut? No one will say
Middle East

Who owned the chemicals that blew up Beirut? No one will say

MOSCOW/DUBAI/LONDON (Reuters) — In the murky story of how a cache of highly explosive ammonium nitrate ended up on the…
Lebanese demand change after government quits over Beirut blast
Middle East

Lebanese demand change after government quits over Beirut blast

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Angry Lebanese said the government’s resignation on Monday did not come near to addressing the tragedy of…
UN food chief: Beirut could run out of bread in 2.5 weeks
Middle East

UN food chief: Beirut could run out of bread in 2.5 weeks

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The head of the UN food agency said Monday he’s “very, very concerned” Lebanon could run…
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