Meet your presidential candidate

Meet your presidential candidate: Hamdeen Sabbahi, the anachronistic

Meet your presidential candidate: Hamdeen Sabbahi, the anachronistic

When Gamal Abdel Nasser died in 1970, he left behind a progeny of like-minded ideologues who adhered to his form…
Meet your presidential candidate: Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, the reformer

Meet your presidential candidate: Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, the reformer

Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh was the leader of the Cairo University Student Union when he rose up to his feet…
Meet your presidential candidate: Amr Moussa, the vacillator

Meet your presidential candidate: Amr Moussa, the vacillator

With a strong and steady voice, and the ability to alternate at will between the image of the intimidating statesman…
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