Tahrir Square

Revolutionaries to rally in Tahrir Thursday as warning to army

Revolutionaries to rally in Tahrir Thursday as warning to army

Revolutionary youth movements announced Wednesday that they would rally in Tahrir Square Thursday to send a warning to the ruling…
Qasr al-Aini entrance to Tahrir Square reopened after 5 months

Qasr al-Aini entrance to Tahrir Square reopened after 5 months

The Qasr al-Aini Street entrance to Tahrir Square has been reopened to traffic after being closed since December, when clashes…
Salafis boycott Abu Ismail’s call for Friday million-man protest

Salafis boycott Abu Ismail’s call for Friday million-man protest

Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, a Salafi lawyer excluded from the presidential election last month, has called on Islamists and other…
Update: SCAF enforces curfew in Abbasseya, clashes continue

Update: SCAF enforces curfew in Abbasseya, clashes continue

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces announced a curfew Friday evening for the Abbasseya neighborhood following days of clashes in…
Political movements call for protests against military council on Friday

Political movements call for protests against military council on Friday

Several political movements have announced their participation in a demonstration in Tahrir Square on Friday, and say they will organize…
Revolutionaries and residents at Abbasseya

Revolutionaries and residents at Abbasseya

A few hours ago, our taxi refused to take us in the direction of the Abbasseya, where the clashes were…
Activists, presidential hopefuls take to Tahrir Square on Labor Day

Activists, presidential hopefuls take to Tahrir Square on Labor Day

In Cairo's Tahrir Square, around 1,000 labor activists, workers and unionists celebrated Egypt's second Labor Day since the abdication of…
Dozens flock to Tahrir to participate in Friday protest

Dozens flock to Tahrir to participate in Friday protest

Dozens of protesters flocked to Tahrir Square on Friday morning to participate in a demonstration the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi…
Revolutionary youth movements will not join Friday Brotherhood protest

Revolutionary youth movements will not join Friday Brotherhood protest

A number of youth movements and parties announced they would not participate in the Friday demonstration the Muslim Brotherhood and…
Abu Ismail supporters stage sit-in in Tahrir following mass protest

Abu Ismail supporters stage sit-in in Tahrir following mass protest

Supporters of excluded presidential hopeful Hazem Salah Abu Ismail began a sit-in in Tahrir Square Saturday morning, as the square became…
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