water pollution

It’s up to the people to fight for the environment, say local experts

It’s up to the people to fight for the environment, say local experts

As the world gathered to discuss climate change and sustainable development at the UN Rio+20 conference last week, environment specialists…
The revival of Al Salam Canal, supposed to develop Sinai

The revival of Al Salam Canal, supposed to develop Sinai

Al Salam Canal project was planned to be the main artery for development in the Sinai Peninsula, representing Egypt's strategic…
Shell battling North Sea oil pipeline leak

Shell battling North Sea oil pipeline leak

THE HAGUE — Oil giant Shell is battling an oil leak in a North Sea pipeline off the British coast,…
Report: 80% of Assiut residents drink unclean water

Report: 80% of Assiut residents drink unclean water

Eighty percent of drinking water in Assiut comes from artesian wells and only 20 percent of water is filtered through…
Environmental Voices: Environmental concerns in post-revolution Egypt

Environmental Voices: Environmental concerns in post-revolution Egypt

When first reading “Silent Spring,” I only realized later that it was one of the first and most important books…
Suez Gulf polluted with hazardous industrial waste

Suez Gulf polluted with hazardous industrial waste

The Suez Gulf is polluted with untreated liquid industrial waste dumped by factories in the Adabeyya area, said eye witnesses…
Egypt to re-think wastewater treatment at upcoming conference

Egypt to re-think wastewater treatment at upcoming conference

By: Taffline Layline As Egypt’s population increases, it puts pressure on the country’s main water source: the Nile River. In…
Agricultural drainage polluting Lake Qaroun

Agricultural drainage polluting Lake Qaroun

The condition of Lake Qaroun has deteriorated rapidly, since inlets and outlets are sealed off and drainage from approximately 482…
Fearing health impact, Shubra residents oppose oil refinery

Fearing health impact, Shubra residents oppose oil refinery

Notorious for being one of the most polluted areas in Greater Cairo, Shubra el-Kheima is on the verge of seeing…
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