
Moderate weather expected for Wednesday, Cairo 22C: EMA

Moderate weather expected for Wednesday, Cairo 22C: EMA

Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) expects moderate weather on Wednesday along Egypt’s northern coast, while warm temperatures will dominate across Lower…
Warm temperatures across Egypt on Tuesday: EMA

Warm temperatures across Egypt on Tuesday: EMA

The Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) expects moderate weather on Tuesday in the northern parts of Egypt, while warm temperatures will…
Warm weather expected for Monday, Cairo 21C

Warm weather expected for Monday, Cairo 21C

Meteorologists expect moderate weather on Monday in northern parts of Egypt, while warm temperatures will dominate across most of the…
Moderate weather predicted for Saturday

Moderate weather predicted for Saturday

Meteorologists expect moderate weather on Saturday on most regions, with cold temperatures at night. Mist is expected to affect visibility…
State of emergency announced at Cairo Airport due to bad weather

State of emergency announced at Cairo Airport due to bad weather

Cairo Airport authorities announced on Friday a state of emergency due to dusty weather and strong winds that led to…
Cold temperatures expected for Friday, Cairo 18C

Cold temperatures expected for Friday, Cairo 18C

The Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) expects cold weather to prevail across northern parts of Egypt on Friday. Moderate weather is…
Rain, wind expected on Thursday: EMA

Rain, wind expected on Thursday: EMA

Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) expects moderate weather to prevail across the country during daylight hours with very cold temperatures in…
Moderate temperatures on Friday, Cairo 20C: EMA

Moderate temperatures on Friday, Cairo 20C: EMA

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects moderate weather on Friday across the northern parts of Egypt, and northern regions of…
Moderate weather on Thursday: EMA

Moderate weather on Thursday: EMA

The Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) expects moderate weather on Thursday in the northern parts of Egypt and northern regions of…
Moderate Weather across Egypt on Wednesday: EMA

Moderate Weather across Egypt on Wednesday: EMA

The Egyptian Metrological Authority (EMA) predicts moderate weather to prevail across Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt’s northern parts on Wenesday.…
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