A joint expedition between the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have discovered more than 800 tombs in Lisht village, southern Egypt dating back to 4000 years BC.
According to the Ministry of Antiquities in a Facebook post, the tombs have a specific architectural style and were carved into rock, surrounded by brick and limestone.
Adel Okasha, Director of the Pyramids Region, said that the team completed the documentation and archaeological survey of the south of the cemetery through the use of 3D mapping.
Okasha added that this archaeological survey is very important as it provides them one of the richest databases known about the country’s central cemeteries in terms of their practices and religious beliefs, as well as aspects of daily life in the capital of Egypt during the middle ancient dynasty.
“The site is one of the largest in the Middle Kingdom throughout Egypt,” said an American archaeologist from the University of Alabama who is leading the archaeological mission.
Lisht village is at the site of of the Middle Kingdom’s royal burials, and includes two large Pyramids belonging to King Amenemhat I and Senusert I, which are surrounded by the tombs of noblemen.