
Very hot weather in Egypt on Monday: EMA

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) warned of the continued heat wave across all parts of the world, with May set to surpass August in temperature.

Very hot weather will prevail during the day on Monday across Egypt, falling to moderately hot at night.

The temperature on Monday in Cairo are expected to reach 42C, rising in southern Upper Egypt to 45C during the daylight hours.

Weather maps show wind activity occasionally stirring up sand and dust in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai, and the southern parts of the country at intermittent periods, especially in open areas.


Expected temperatures on Monday:

  • Alexandria: 33C
  • Sharm el-Sheikh: 39C
  • Hurghada: 39C
  • Cairo: 41C
  • Luxor and Aswan: 45C

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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