The animated Egyptian film “Mr. Purple” (2019), directed by Osama Abu Zaid, will represent Egypt at the 11th “International Animation Film Festival Golden Kuker – Sofia – Bulgaria” on September 1, 2020.
Produced by Ahmed Abdel Rahim, the film features music by Hany Shenouda, the voice of Ramy Hussein, and a montage by Maha Roshdy.
“Mr. Purple” is a story about the freedom of choice, how ideas cannot be imposed on others, and how diversity impacts the flavor of life. The plot features two different forces eager to get the protagonist to follow what they want, despite him having his own approach he keeps secret.
At the end, he is driven to express himself in an effort to help others.
The film was previously shown at the Festival International Elhamma in Qabis, Tunisia in 2020 where it won the bronze award and the 2019 Karama Human Rights Film Festival.