
Weather forecast for Tuesday

Mild weather is expected on Tuesday along north coast, where low- and medium-level clouds will be seen. Highs of 28 degrees centigrade will be reached in Alexandria.

However, warm weather is predicted in Lower Egypt, Cairo. Visibility will be reduced in the morning due to mist in Lower Egypt, Cairo and canal provinces. Highs of 32 degrees will be felt in Cairo.

Very hot weather will continue to be felt in Upper Egypt during the daytime to be cooler in the night. Highs of 38 degrees will be reached in Qena, 38 degrees in Luxor and 41 degrees in Aswan.

Northwesterly winds will blow in the northwest of the country, as well as on the Gulf of Suez, disturbing maritime navigation.

On the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, northwesterly winds will produce waves between 1.5 to 2 meters high.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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