The Zamalek Club Board of Directors has canceled the membership of former club president Mortada Mansour during their meeting on Sunday.
According to an official statement, the club explained that Mansour’s membership was canceled due to his inability to obtain an active membership in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 12 of the club’s bylaws.
Article 8 stipulates in the third point of membership conditions that the member must not be deprived of exercising their civil rights and that no final judgments have been issued against them for a felony or misdemeanor penalty for a crime against honor or trust, or that they have been declared bankrupt.
The fourth point includes that they must have a good reputation.
Article 12 stipulates that “membership will be revoked for a club member if they lose one of the conditions for membership, and if they are late in paying a subscription or a financial obligation for five consecutive years, without the need for notice or warning.”
Mansour refused to comment on the reasoning behind decision, but promised legal prosecution for anyone bringing up the move to revoke his membership.