
Brotherhood launches awareness campaign on proposed constitution

The Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party are launching an awareness campaign on Tuesday to familiarize citizens with the proposed constitution.

Party member Azab Mostafa said the party is continuously educating people on the constitution. “This campaign will last for a month and will cover the whole nation,” he said.

President Mohamed Morsy’s nephew, Mohamed Saeed, said the campaign will not try to influence people’s choices. “It will be purely informative,” he said, adding that it would be launched by 20,000 young group members.

Meanwhile, assembly member Mohamed al-Beltagy said the Constituent Assembly held courses for 63 young members of the Freedom and Justice Party to train them on how to educate citizens on the new constitution.

The assembly's make-up is controversial; most liberals and leftists have withdrawn from it because they say it is biased towards Islamists who dominated the dissolved parliament, and it fails to fairly represent Egypt's diverse social groups.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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