
Stock market earns LE1.2 billion

The purchases of foreign investors pushed the main stock exchange index upward by the end of the Thursday session to stop at 8,500 points.

The sales of Arabs and Egyptians prompted the small, medium, and broader indexes to fall back.

The value and volume of trading reached its highest level in three years Thursday as it was estimated at LE1.5 billion. The market earned LE1.2 billion in a total trading of LE1.6 billion to reach LE490.4 billion by the end of the trading session.

The main EGX30 index rose by 2.08 percent. The small and medium stocks EGX70 index rose by 1.55 percent to 633.63 points and the broader EGX100 index rose by 0.89 percent to 1104.44 points.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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