The Antiquities Ministry has slammed as "inaccurate and hasty" a French archaeological report on new cavities discovered inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza.
Ashraf Mohie el-Din, director of the Giza Pyramids area, told al-Masry al-Youm that it was wrong to be hasty in predicting the nature of the two cavities, which are being examined archaeologically.
He said the scientists conducting radiography scans of the pyriamids should continue their work for another year, adding that additional tests can be conducted to determine the size, nature and function of the recently discovered features.
Le Figaro reported on Saturday that a group of scientists called Operation Scan Pyramids had discovered two cavities in the Great Pyramid of Khufuin on the Giza plateau. These were their first results since they started work in October 2015, aiming to reveal more about the mysteries of the pyramid.
The French newspaper added that the two cavities contain unknown secrets about the pyramid, which was built over 4,500 years ago.
"We are now able to confirm the existence of a 'void' hidden behind the north face, that could have the form of at least one corridor going inside the Great Pyramid," scientists from Operation ScanPyramids said in a statement.
Another cavity was discovered on the pyramid's northeast flank, said the researchers, who are using radiography and 3D reconstruction for their study.