
Arab League tells media to get permits before covering Syrian uprising

The Arab League this Thursday called on Arab and international media outlets seeking to cover the events in Syria to submit requests to the relevant media authorities in Syria before heading there.

The Arab League issued a ministerial statement on Wednesday to explain a recently signed peace plan that aims to end the bloody crackdown on Syrian civilians. Syrian authorities have accepted the proposal, which stipulates they must withdraw armored vehicles from streets.
The plan allows organizations affiliated with the Arab League, as well as Arab and international journalists, to move freely in Syria and report on events on ground, the statement said.
The General Secretariat of the Arab League is seeking media outlets to objectively cover the events, so that the whole world can witness the situation on the ground in Syria, the statement said.
The Syrian regime has imposed a media blackout since the outbreak of protests demanding the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The regime is accused of brutally attacking and killing demonstrators, as well using official media outlets to mobilize Syrians against anti-Assad demonstrators.
The United Nations says more than 3000 Syrians have been killed since the uprising began against Assad, whose family has been ruling Syria for 41 years.
The Syrian authorities have blamed Islamist militants and armed gangs for the violence, claiming they have killed 1100 soldiers and police officers since the start of the uprising.

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