“The estimated population of Egyptians in the homeland is 98 million: 50.5 million males, equal to 51.5 percent, and 47.5 million females, equal to 48.5 percent,” said a report by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
CAPMAS issued the cited statement on Thursday for the occasion of International Women’s Day, which is celebrated each year on March 8 in recognition of the role of women.
Life expectancy at birth in 2019 is 75.1 years for females compared to 72.7 years for males, the report added.
The number of marriage contracts nationwide amounted to 887,315 contracts in 2018 compared to 912,606 in 2017 while the number of divorce certificates nationwide totaled 211,521 in 2018 compared to 198,269 in 2017.
Female contribution to the labor force was less than 20.9 percent of the total force aged 15+ years compared to 79.1 percent for men. The unemployment rate was 21.4 percent for females and 6.8 percent for males.
The percentage of working females aged 15+ was 18.2 compared to 81.8 percent for males. The percentage of working females who work fixed, stable jobs is 89.3 compared to 67.1 percent for males.
The percentage of female participants in the social insurance system was 72 compared to 43.2 percent for males. The percentage of female participants in the health insurance system was 69.4 compared to 36.6 percent for males, the report added.
The total school enrollment rate for females in the pre-primary stage was 27 percent while the female primary enrollment rate was 98.6 percent. The total enrollment rate for females in the preparatory stage was 93.8 percent in the year 2017/18 compared to 95.8 percent in 2016/17.
The total enrollment rate for females in the secondary stage was 65.2 percent in 2017/18 compared to 68.6 percent in 2016/17.
The dropout rate at the primary school level was 0.3 percent for females compared to 0.5 percent for males for the academic year 2017/18 while a dropout rate of 3.4 percent in the preparatory stage was recorded for both females and males in the same year.
The statement said that women were appointed to eight ministerial positions within the cabinet, equal to 24 percent of the number of government ministers.
Women judges comprised 66 judges out of the total number of judges, which is 9,694. Women comprised 24.8 percent of the diplomatic and consular corps. Female editors-in-chief at national newspapers comprised 18 percent of the total heads of national newspapers.
Female members of the boards of national press institutions comprised 12.5 percent of the total members, and female members of the National Press Commission comprised 7.7 percent of the total members.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm