The Ministry of Education has announced the start of teaching French language in Egyptian public schools, as a compulsory subject starting, from the academic year 2024-2025.
The ministry said in a statement that the step comes as part of a set of educational reforms that will come into effect starting from the academic year 2024-2025 for the benefit of nearly three million students who benefit from educational programs for the French language in Egyptian public schools.
Education Minister Reda Hegazy said that Egypt pays special attention to strengthening cooperation with France in various fields, especially with regard to transferring French expertise and technology in all development fields to Egypt.
He pointed out that the project to support the teaching of the French language in public schools (TREFLE) is one of the fruits of strengthening cooperation between the two sides.
This is to be achieved through the support provided by the French Embassy in Egypt and the French Development Agency to reach a day when we can celebrate the success of this project, which I had the honor to follow from the beginning.
The minister pointed out that final that new approaches have been put on the new curriculum for the French language, planning teaching activities.
This includes partnership digital educational resources, and developing an online platform for training French language teachers, which has a positive impact on the trainees.
For his part, Marc Baretti, French Ambassador to Cairo, said: “The Egyptian Ministry of Education is currently conducting extensive reforms in order to develop the educational system by shifting from Axis 1.0 (EDU 1.0) to develop education to Axis 2.0 (EDU 2.0), which includes strengthening second foreign language education in the elementary stages of school education.”
He added that in 2020, the Egyptian government and the French Development Agency (AFD) signed a partnership agreement stipulating France’s support for French language programs in Egyptian public schools.