The date for the al-Mawlid al-Nabawy 2023 (Prophet Mohammed’s birthday) holiday is set on Wednesday, the 12th of the hijri month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, which corresponds to September 27, 2023, according to an official announcement from the Presidency on Facebook.
Muslims in various parts of the world celebrate the Mawlid holiday as an official paid holiday.
No statements were issued by the Cabinet about having Thursday as a holiday instead of Wednesday for a long weekend.
The date of the Prophet’s birthday is linked to the Hijri calendar system, a system that depends on the lunar month – the length of time that the moon takes in a complete orbit around the Earth.
The Hijri, Lunar or Islamic calendar depends on the lunar cycle to determine the months, and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia have take it as the official calendar of the state.
Established by Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, it used the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina on Rabi’ al-Awwal 12 (September 24, 622 AD) as a reference for its first year in it, which is is the reason behind calling it the Hijri calendar.
Celebrations of the Prophet’s birthday differ from one Islamic country to another, according to customs and traditions, all Muslims consider a day of peace and love as it is the day of the Prophet’s birth.
Dessert is an important part in holding the many celebrations, which begin with the establishment of marques and the display of sweets a month before the date of the birthday.
Egyptians eagerly buy and present gifts to their loved ones.