In only two days, Egyptian police have already collected a total of LE1,492,250 million in fines collected from violators of the state’s coronavirus measures.
Each violation costs LE50, according to the Interior Ministry.
Approximately 20,907 violations were recorded on Monday with 8,938 on Sunday.
The Ministry of Interior on Sunday took legal measures against 20,907 mass transport drivers for not adhering to wearing protective masks, with 247 violations were recorded for illegally using shisha and 704 violations of closure decisions.
On Monday, the Ministry took legal measures against 8,938 mass transport drivers for not adhering to wearing facemasks.
It further recorded 734 violations from stores that did not adhere to precautionary measures and 293 violations for the illegal circulation of shisha, with a total of 1,795 shishas seized thus far.
The Egyptian government on Sunday rolled out its campaign to collect instant fines from violators of the state’s coronavirus precautionary measures.
The campaign targets both individuals and larger organizations, such as restaurants and cafes, who can be fined for violating occupancy limits or the mask mandate.
The mandate has been in effect since late May, but in response to a surge in new cases and an overall relaxed public attitude around the virus, officials created the new instant fine system.
Those not wearing a mask in public areas specified in the decision will be fined LE50. If they fail to pay the fine immediately and are referred to the prosecution, they will have to pay LE100.
If someone fails or refuses to pay the fine and is referred to court, they will have to pay LE 150, according to Cabinet Spokesperson Nader Saad.
Violating establishments, such as restaurants and cafes, will be fined LE4,000, and the facility will be forced to closed for a week.