The Interior Ministry is coordinating a nationwide plan to secure Egypt's anticipated investment summit with the armed forces, the minister of interior said on Saturday.
Newly-appointed minister Magdi Abdel Ghaffar met with security leaders within the ministry, reported the state news agency MENA. He said during the meeting that the security plan would encompass all of Egypt and not just the resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, where the summit is scheduled to take place.
Abdel Ghaffar was appointed as Interior Minister on Thursday, in a minor cabinet reshuffle announced days ahead of the summit.
Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb told reporters on Thursday the reshuffle will not affect the awaited economic conference.
"Egypt is a state of institutions," Mehleb said in a press conference on the government's preparation for the investment summit.
Egypt has long been campaigning for the summit among regional and international trade allies.
The state strongly believes heavy participation in the conference would help in the recovery of an economy battered by political turmoil during the past four years.
Sixty states are scheduled to take part in the summit, the Foreign Ministry spokesman told reporters last week.