Irrigation and Water Resources Hani Sweilem, said that the Pan African Center for Water and Climate Change Adaptation (PACWA) started its five-week training course, which is held under the theme “water management for non-agricultural purposes in urban areas,” with the participation of 24 African trainers.
The irrigation minister received a report from Head of the Regional Training Center for Water Resources and Irrigation (RCTWS) Tareq el Sayyed on the ongoing training work at the RCTWS and the PACWA and progress made so far to implement the “Italian-Egyptian Water Training Program – Water Knowledge” project.
The minister further noted that a training course was held under the title “management of Irrigation systems and adaptation to water scarcity in African agriculture” during the period from June 11 to 21, with the participation of 15 African trainees.
By the end of August, a training course will be held under the theme “shared water resources management and water diplomacy”, with the participation of 20 African trainers, Sweilem, added.
The minister also reviewed progress made so far to implement the “Italian-Egyptian Water Training Program – Water Knowledge” project.
The project aims at developing the technical and administrative capabilities of the cadres working in the water sector in Egypt and African countries and to develop the training infrastructure as per advanced technological techniques, he said.